A look back at 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013
What a year its been!  The twins have grown so much and looking back at everything we've done, it seems like much more than just a year has gone by.  At the close of last year, the boys were just a few days old and being preemies they were basically in hibernation.  A year later, I'm chasing them around like a crazy lady screaming "What are you chewing?!" every 15 minutes.  I look forward to 2014 and all the activities we will get to do with these big boys!  Here's a look back...

My New Blog!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
I've been meaning to start a blog for some time now.  Having 10 month old twins that require constant attention seemed like the perfect time to get crackin! So here's what I've been up to...
Red Velvet Cupcake Wine & Red Velvet Candle from Bath & Body Works

I'm going through a red velvet phase.  If I find something that comes in a red velvet scent or flavor, I have to have it!  I saw that Ben & Jerrys has a red velvet cake flavor and I've been thinking about it ever since.

In red related news, I've been dying to try Sephora's new Formula X nail polish.  Tiffany D ( of said that it was good stuff so I had to get it.  Anything Tiffany D says to buy...I buy it.  I'm kind of joking, but not really.  She knows everything about makeup and beauty related products! She was right about this shade Curiosity, its the perfect red :)

We're heading into the holiday season and I couldn't be more excited!  Its been hard for me to part with my Halloween decor.  Slowly but surely the skeletons and jack-o-lanterns have been making their way back to their bin in the garage.  With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I was able to use some of the same decorations...with some adjusting.

When it was Halloween, there were black roses in the milk jugs.
Now it's ready for Turkey season!

If you aren't very good at those "whats different about this picture" puzzles, lets cut to the chase...I turned the pumpkins.
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