
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The twins are 16 months old now and have gained a better understanding of what they should and should not be doing.  Right before they're about to do something extra naughty, they stare at me for about 30 seconds.  I look up and one usually has a firecracker in one hand and a lighter in the other.  Are everyones kids this obvious?!? I have the hardest time keeping a straight face while disciplining the boys if they’re doing something hilarious.  Example: Spenser is standing on the coffee table.  I tell him if he doesn’t get off in three seconds he’s getting a timeout.  He dances a quick jig that seems to get faster as I’m approaching him.  I’m trying to hold back the giggles but I usually give in.  I’m so immature, I’m actually thinking of joining in on the coffee table looks like fun!

At this age, the timeout method seems to work about 50% of the time.  Sometimes I'll hear them laughing and I have to remind them "you're not supposed to have fun on a timeout!"  Its hard to be a disciplinarian when you have a good sense of humor.  I know I'm not the only one who sees their kids doing something naughty and your first instinct is to take a picture.  

Moving blows

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
I've moved a lot...5 times in the past 4 years actually, but this has been the most hectic move yet.  I'm happy to say we made it out alive, and hope to not move again for a long long time!  The twins didn't seem to mind the fact that their stuff started rapidly disappearing while we were packing, but they didn't like that packing was taking time and attention away from them.  Solution: get them in on the action, and if they act up...tape up the box while they're playing in it (kidding!)

Moving day started with me taking this picture of our "Vermont" Uhaul truck.  Shortly after that I was running around like a lunatic trying to clean every crevice of the house.  It was about 10 hours of cleaning, needless to say I'm in desperate need of a manicure after that.  I knew I was about to leave this pristine house to head to a chaotic pile of boxes at our new place.  I kind of wanted to stay put at that point.

Here's a shot of my favorite part of the moving process, unpacking!

The boys have transitioned well thus far.  We took them to story time at the local library today.  Spenser kept cheering like he was at a rock concert and Fox hugged about half a dozen people.  I'm looking forward to settling in more and showing the boys around their new environment.

My Funny Valentines

Friday, February 14, 2014
Its Valentines Day!! I love holidays, and I'm even more excited to be celebrating with the twins.  They were only 7 weeks old last year and were totally not into it.  Even though they can't have candy yet and would rip a bouquet of flowers to smithereens, we were still able to enjoy some festivities.
It started with some heart shaped pancakes (note to self, get a more defined heart shaped cutter next year so they don't look like blobs).

I wanted to get them traditional valentine candy boxes even if the couldn't eat the candy.  They ate the boxes and took matching bites, how adorable!

shitty quality filter ;)
Fox grabbed one of these little balloons when we were in Albertsons the other day and I made a mental note to go back and get them for today.  Unfortunately they only came in Spanish...

They also got a special Valentines pop up book and some toys and socks from Grammy.  They loved everything about today!  Fox was walking around carrying both small balloons in his hand and the ribbon to his big balloon under his arm.  

See ya later January

Thursday, January 30, 2014
This month we celebrated lots of birthdays, enjoyed some warm weather, and dodged germs like bullets.  Seriously, everyone has been sick!  I can hear a cough from a mile away and immediately bolt in the opposite direction.  The boys are walking now, sometimes running.  Spenser loves kitties, dancing, and responding to questions with "ya" or "eh?" Fox loves singing, climbing, and screaming "BABABABABABAAA"...seriously, he went hoarse for days after a major BABABA rant.

A Day Out

Saturday, January 11, 2014
We had the opportunity to spend a baby-less day at Monte De Oro Winery today and oh how nice it was.  Talking to other adults about reds, whites, top notes, and all that shit was a nice break from all the usual baby talk.  The weather was nice, wines were great, and we had an all around good time.

Move it lady

I'm not a baby hairstylist!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014
I really don't know what to do with the twins hair.  Most days it looks like they're wearing wigs that just came out of the dryer.  Exhibit A:

Exhibit B

Some days its curly, but it seems to be more straight lately.  My husband has super tight curls and he doesn't like their hair to be brushed straight fearing we'll train it to be that way.  When I do brush it, I don't know where to part it, do I use product or just water?  Basically I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but I guess I'll figure it out through trial and error. 

Watching tv

Enjoying time with the twins

Tuesday, January 7, 2014
I am loving this age that the boys are at.  They can entertain themselves but if I want to jump in for a quick dance party, they go nuts.  We've been listening to John Mayer this morning.  I'm realizing that there will come a time when they think the music I like sucks, so I'm taking full advantage now.  

I try to keep them on the same schedule as much as possible, but right now they are at different stages of teething so its not always working for me.  The good part of that is spending quality time with just one of them.  I hold them, smother them with kisses, and tell them they're my favorite (I do this to both of them ;)

My resolution this year was to read more.  Right now I'm finishing up this parenting book my coworker gave me.  I was on the chapter about injuries when I hear Fox screaming, I look up and Spenser is stepping on his head.  How ironic right, assaulting one another while I'm trying to read up on preventing their injuries.
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